Monday, March 28, 2011

One time only Int/Adv WCS Class with Edwin Li at the Station!

Tuesday, March 29 · 6:30pm - 7:30pm

The Steel Train Station
1100 Orlando Avenue
Roseville, CA

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Hi folks! I have something SPECIAL for you all at this week's Swing Time Tuesday dance at the Steel Train Station: Both Edwin Li and Brandon Gautreaux will be in town to rock the dance!

In addition, Edwin will be teaching a special Intermediate/Advanced WCS class at 6:30 PM. The cost for this class is only $5, but it is separate from the normal $5 for the Station's regular lesson/dance. If you are planning to attend this special, one-time only Int/Adv WCS class taught by Edwin Li, please mark yourself in this event as "Attending." Thank you!

Note that Edwin will also be our guest instructor for the regular 7:30 PM beginning class. And he (and Brandon!) will attend our dance, which runs from 8:15 PM until midnight or later. As always, the cost for the regular class and/or dance is only $5 total.

Hope to see you all out this Tuesday!!!
