Tuesday, April 22, 2014
My Healing Changes!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Secret to You
To experience the maximum power from The Secret to You, read the words and feel them with all of your heart.
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Gay Livingston-Counselor
What is Subconscious Motivation Therapy?
Similar to hypnotherapy, it combines safe, effective relaxation techniques with an understanding, well-trained therapist. I will work with you in instructing your subconscious mind to support the agreed upon desires and goals.
Healing Changes therapy's techniques are completely safe and effective. You are not asleep or unconscious while listening & LEARNING. In fact, while in this relaxed state, your mind is very alert. Most clients finish each session feeling refreshed, relaxed and energized!
Can it work for everyone?
Yes. Have you ever been driving a familiar route home and suddenly arrived at your destination without remembering the last few minutes of the drive? This is one example of our subconscious mind taking over the routine details of life. Our subconscious mind handles most of our day to day activities. That is the subconscious mind's job - to handle the details of life, while our conscious mind handles the more important needs. However, with the help of our motivational programs you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you've built up over the years. Most clients are amazed at how quickly they accomplish their desired results. Unlike traditional therapies, these amazing techniques are able to help you reach your goals without going through years of self-exploration.
Mission and Purpose
To be a guide to others on their healing journey.
To provide a safe healthy environment in which a person can heal themselves and regain a healthy life-style through their own energetic perceptions. Through my own continuing education and spiritual development it is my desire to hold the highest energetic level possible to facilitate in my clients mind, body, and spiritual awareness to bring about healing changes in their lives.
When You Are Ready!
Reach your goals faster than ever! You can and will make permanent, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Healing changes offers an effective, relaxing, drug-free choice for change.
Gay Livingston-Counselor
Similar to hypnotherapy, it combines safe, effective relaxation techniques with an understanding, well-trained therapist. I will work with you in instructing your subconscious mind to support the agreed upon desires and goals.
Healing Changes therapy's techniques are completely safe and effective. You are not asleep or unconscious while listening & LEARNING. In fact, while in this relaxed state, your mind is very alert. Most clients finish each session feeling refreshed, relaxed and energized!
Can it work for everyone?
Yes. Have you ever been driving a familiar route home and suddenly arrived at your destination without remembering the last few minutes of the drive? This is one example of our subconscious mind taking over the routine details of life. Our subconscious mind handles most of our day to day activities. That is the subconscious mind's job - to handle the details of life, while our conscious mind handles the more important needs. However, with the help of our motivational programs you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you've built up over the years. Most clients are amazed at how quickly they accomplish their desired results. Unlike traditional therapies, these amazing techniques are able to help you reach your goals without going through years of self-exploration.
Mission and Purpose
To be a guide to others on their healing journey.
To provide a safe healthy environment in which a person can heal themselves and regain a healthy life-style through their own energetic perceptions. Through my own continuing education and spiritual development it is my desire to hold the highest energetic level possible to facilitate in my clients mind, body, and spiritual awareness to bring about healing changes in their lives.
When You Are Ready!
Reach your goals faster than ever! You can and will make permanent, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Healing changes offers an effective, relaxing, drug-free choice for change.
How to Be Your Own Best Friend!
How to Be Your Own Best Friend
Edited by Margarita07, Mr handsome, Sedition, Lillian May and 11 othersMost people seem to feel that they need a friend or a best friend to complete them. When people are alone, they tend to become depressed. It's like they need someone around them to get things going or they would seem like the odd person to other people and themselves, and that's not true, it's the best thing in the world to be your own best friend. Instead of the search for finding someone having the same qualities like or almost like you, you'll have more fun when you enjoy yourself alone. Most people find it hard to believe and that's okay but you'll benefit from yourself and you'll come to find yourself having a great deal of self-esteem no matter where you are or what you have.Ad
1When you start this process, start talking to yourself and thinking to yourself in your head. Laugh at your own jokes, make stories in your mind, fantasize on your dreams, make plans etcAd
2Be positive with yourself. For example never say, "I'm not good enough;" instead replace it with "I'm great!" and dwell on it. Truth is, all our insecurities come from within, not the people around us. So if you say something negative about yourself and keep that impression, how can you get things done? When you're in a negative attitude mindset about yourself you are turning into your own enemy. Never say anything against yourself that brings you down.
3Remember that all our insecurities stop us from us becoming even more of what we could be. If you think, feel or speak ill of yourself, you can never become more.
4When you become your own best friend, do to yourself what you always wanted in a best friend.
5Start going towards the things you want to achieve, whether its being a great artist or becoming a great dancer etc. Anything you want to do, focus on that.
- If you discourage yourself you will never be able to be the best you can be!
- Be your own boss and get things done.
- When you start to be your own best friend don't be mean, also be honest to people.
- When you become your own best friend don't gossip to yourself of anyone, mind your own business. The secret or statement can get distorted as it spreads. Remember to make your plans for the day and follow them.
- If you need help on how to ignore something. Check out how to ignore something or someone on wikiHow.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Louise Hay sits down with the Tapping Solution's Nick Ortner...Tapping Works!
Louise Hay FEELING FINE affirmations 360p
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Addiction, Mental Health and a Society That Fails to Understand Either
Philip Seymour Hoffman died yesterday. He was found with a needle still wedged into his arm, heroin believed to be the culprit.
When I heard of his passing yesterday, it hit me in the gut a little bit. Not because I know him, not because I know his family members or friends. Not, much to the dismay of what some may believe, because he was an award winning actor.
It hit me because he isn't the only face of addiction, he is just the most recent one. He's just the face that most people recognize, the one that we were familiar with, the one that we came to love through his work on the screen.
Whenever someone famous dies, there seems to be this immediate attempt by far too many people to make their life and death insignificant, as though the death of a celebrity somehow negates the death of all the other people who died on that given day. People attempt to place more value on the lives of some people, less on others, claiming that the celebration of the death of a celebrity is a misplaced outlaying of our efforts. I argue the opposite, obviously, particularly in situations like this one where there is so much opportunity for us to learn about addiction, about mental illness, about why lives end this tragic way.
The opportunity is there, without question. The issue is whether we, as a society choose to seize it, or whether we chalk this loss up to drug use and wave it off indifferently as another selfish life wasted.
It seems we do the latter.
Plenty of opportunities have been presented to us in the past, of lives abruptly ended this way. Of people who happen to be famous, but also struggle with the same demons that many of us ordinary folks do, meeting sudden death in this way.
Philip became addicted to heroin after struggling with abusing prescription pain medications, an all too familiar and increasingly common path to this addiction. This is not the addiction we want to think it is, the sordid one that happens in alleys, nor is it one reserved only for those in positions of privilege. Heroin doesn't discriminate. Its use is up 75% in the past few years, and the demographics of the users have shifted.
It's easier to think that drug addiction happens to other people, to them, over there. Reality tells us that it happens far more often than we want to believe. It's a false sense of security.
Chances are that someone you know is addicted to drugs right now, you just may not realize it.
Or you do know, but you hide their addiction because of the social stigma.
Or you don't hide it, but you shame them instead.
Or you don't shame them, but you slowly phase them out of your life because you don't want to be around them anymore or because you just can't do it anymore.
Or you keep them around, but talk about them behind their backs, discuss how sad it is that they refuse to get help, vow to be better than they are.
Or they do try to get help and sometimes they get better for a while.
Or they relapse and die just like he did yesterday.
The trouble with drug addiction is that it really isn't about the drugs, no matter how much most people seem to believe that. Drug addiction is a means to an end. It begins usually as a way to try something new, to try and get high, to try and transport yourself somewhere else, to try and just feel better for a minute.
Most drug use is self medication for the things that people either can't or won't cope with in real life. The root of most of all that? Mental health conditions, the huge piece of this issue that we find ourselves ignoring all too often every time drugs are involved.
Nancy Reagan taught us all that drugs are bad. D.A.R.E. programs taught us that users are criminals, they are bad people. No one ever bothered to tell us that the vast majority of them were in need of help from a mental health system that largely doesn't exist.
And you know what happened?
People believed them. I can't even begin to tell you all the things I saw flying through my newsfeed yesterday in the wake of his death. Proclamations that he was selfish, that he was a waste, that he should have been happy because he was rich and famous. People who decreed from the mountaintops that if he would have just tried harder, he would have been better. That it's his fault that he died.
In reality, he struggled with depression most of his life. He got clean. He was recently in rehab.
Addicts don't want to be addicts.
Addicts don't want to die.
Addicts don't want to throw their lives away.
Addicts don't want their children to grow up without parents.
They just want to feel better. They just want to feel normal. They just want to stop feeling everything else for a little while.
Addicts are people, just like you and me.
Addicts come in all forms, dependent on many different things, drugs just being one version of dependence.
The problem is that our system is limited, laboring under the illusion that drug addiction is a criminal issue, a medical issue on the fringes that can be fixed with proper rehab. That all ignores the fact that drugs aren't the problem...what led that person to drugs in the first place is the problem. The drugs are just a means to an end.
Rehab doesn't fix addicts. It primarily treats the physical symptoms of withdrawal.
Prison doesn't fix addicts. It just puts them in a cage for a while.
Even death doesn't fix addicts. It just leaves the people who love them here, forever wondering how different things might have been.
The only way to really deal with addiction is one that is multi-faceted, one that makes us uncomfortable. It is messy and complicated and takes a lifetime of effort. It sometimes involves relapses and second chances and third chances. It involves support, sometimes sponsors. It involves therapy and counseling until whatever the root cause is has been revealed and addressed. It involves consideration of not just the physical withdrawal, but the emotional withdrawal, the social withdrawal, the psychological withdrawal. It requires a mental health system with adequate resources, which clearly doesn't exist. It requires us to do better. It requires support instead of judgement.
And sometimes, even when all those things exist, it fails. It fails because addiction can take people and swallow them whole. It can rob them of everything they value, everyone they love. It can strip them of everything they care about, rob them of reason and logic. It can convince them that they aren't worthy, that they have failed not just themselves, but everyone else. It tells them that they are broken and irreparable. Then it shoves them back down and does it again.
Our society says it failed because they didn't try hard enough, because they were selfish, because they were stupid.
How exactly is saying things like this going to help anyone?
The short answer - it isn't. It just allows us to believe that if we try hard enough, if we care about other people enough, if we are smart enough, we can avoid addiction. Our false sense of security hurts those who need help the most.
Never mind the damage done to the people they leave behind.
To those who claim Philip's death isn't tragic, I ask you to think about his children. I'm sure they would disagree with you.
Until you've been there, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've watched someone you love try and claw their way out only to be dragged back in again, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've seen someone throw everything away just to feel better for a moment, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've dealt with someone desperately in need of help who turned to self medicating instead, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've had to tease out where the line between believing in someone and enabling them is, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've had to make choices no one should ever have to make, you can't know what it is like.
Until you've done all you can to help someone who doesn't want it, you can't know what it is like.
We all have our demons. We all have our issues.
Many of us are closer to being addicts than we would ever admit out loud.
Some of us know how easy it would be to turn.
Some of us are addicts already.
Some of us already walk the line.Rest in peace, Philip. I hope you've found some now. My love to all those who loved you.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
9 Wordless Ways Someone Says, "I Love You"
By Paula Spencer Scott, senior editor
95% helpful
Longing to hear, "I love you" from someone special? Try watching his or her body language instead. Some 60 to 90 percent of the meaning of our communication is delivered nonverbally -- and in romantic situations, this jumps to 99 percent, says anthropologist David Givens, director of the Center for Nonverbal Studies in Spokane, Washington, and author of Love Signals.
"When it comes to emotions, our bodies do the talking more than words," Givens says.
Here are nine surprising (and wordless) ways the body telegraphs, "I love you."
Love sign #1: Shoulder rolls or shrugs
Who knew the shoulders were one of the more expressive parts of the body? Thanks to their rounded shape, smooth skin, and ability to move -- shrugging, lifting, rolling -- the shoulders are able to convey emotional nuances remarkably well, Givens says. Rolling a shoulder, in particular, reads as a gesture of affection or flirtatiousness.
Unlike some other large muscles, the upper trapezius has special "gut reactive" visceral nerves that are sensitive to your emotions. (Think about how your shoulders sag in defeat and shake when you cry.) The biceps, as a contrasting example, rely on somatic nerves, which help those muscles do intentional tasks, like lift weights. "The biceps aren't very emotionally expressive," Givens notes.
(Ladies, try a sleeveless top on that big date to help your shoulders do the talking.)
Love sign #2: Mirroring your actions
You splay your right fingers around your coffee cup; so does he. You take a sip; he takes a sip. Anthropologists call this synchrony of actions "isopraxism" (iso being Greek for "same" andpraxism meaning "behavior"). Couples tend to do this unconsciously as they fall in love; their bodies can't help themselves.
Mirroring behaviors are a strong element in the courtship rituals of all animals that use courtship, Givens says. A female mallard hen, for example, swims close to her male target and bobs her heads in the water until he copies her, and they do this back and forth until they mate. The behavior demonstrates that neither is threatening to the other, allowing them to get closer.
"The more alike you are, the more you like each other," Givens says. "It strengthens your bond."
Love sign #3: Locked eyes
If an object of attraction gazes deep into your eyes, your heart just may skip a beat. Eye contact is a potent emotional link -- in ordinary circumstances, both parties feel a strong urge to break a gaze after three seconds. (People make less eye contact when they dislike each other, feel intimidated, or disagree.)
But if you like someone, you tend to hold the gaze for an extra few beats without even being aware of it. This says, "I'm really, really interested in you."
Like most of the nonverbal communications that express love to other adults, the tendency to gaze long and hard at a beloved is rooted in the caring ways that parents treat children, Givens says. Mothers tend to gaze longer at babies than adults because they're so interested in them and need to be attentive to them; in this way we grow up associating a long gaze with love.
Love sign #4: Sitting close by
Does your loved one move in close to you -- maybe your hips touch when you sit side by side, or your knees knock into his or hers when you sit across from each other?
"Reducing the distance between you and the other person is a strong way our bodies send a message of love," says Jamie Comstock, a professor of communication at Butler University in Indianapolis.
Someone in love almost can't help the urge to be physically near his or her object of affection. When you're drawn to someone, it's almost literal: Often the body knows the attraction before any words of love have been exchanged, Comstock says.
Love sign #5: Head tilts
When you're talking, watch your listener. Does he or she cock his or her head, either to the left or right? In a friendship, a tilted head fosters rapport. In courtship, it reads as flirtatiousness.
Leaning the head toward the shoulder connotes harmlessness and submissiveness, the Center for Nonverbal Studies' David Givens says, which makes the relationship "softer." As with the shoulder muscles, the muscles involved in tilting the head are controlled by visceral nerves, which are equipped to reflect emotion. A tilted head is a gesture that adds warmth and immediacy to the dialogue between you. Subtle? Yes. But like many aspects of body language, these cues speak volumes about the relationship.
Love sign #6: A fingertip caress
Being lightly, casually touched -- on your shoulder, your forearm, the back of your neck, a little side hug -- instantly registers in the brain as warmth and reassurance.
The emotional centers of the brain register touch more quickly than messages that come through the language center, Givens says. The touch doesn't have to be long to register as warm and reassuring. (This kind of touch is different from having breasts or genitals touched in a nonsexual situation, which sends a confusing message rather than a simple "I love you.")
"The presence of touch is a sign of affection because it sends a message of inclusion: I want to be closer to you," says Butler University's Jamie Comstock. "You can say, 'I love you' 30 times a day, but if you only touch the person minimally -- rarely hug, kiss, or show appropriate physical affection -- that 'I love you' will ring pretty hollow to him or her," she says.
Best of all, touching is a shared message: "The fingertips are extremely sensitive to touch, so you get a good message right back," Givens says.
Love sign #7: Rapid eye blinking
Is she batting her eyelashes at you? Does he look especially vulnerable and cute -- because he's blinking? The normal rate of eye blinking in humans is 20 times a minute. Faster blinking indicates emotional stress -- such as when the person is attracted.
"We blink faster when excited because eyelid movements reflect bodily arousal levels established by the brain stem's reticular activating system (RAS)," Givens says. The result: a chain reaction. Emotions from the limbic system stimulate the RAS to act on the brain to release the chemical dopamine in a part of the midbrain connected to the eyes.
A warning about reading the right message into this signal, though: A faster blink rate is also triggered when the speaker is lying.
Love sign #8: A warm smile
Smiles warm our hearts -- but not any old smile is a sign of affection. What to look for: a genuine smile (called a "zygomatic smile"), the kind that can't easily be faked because it's produced not on demand but by pure emotion. In heartfelt smiles, the zygomaticus muscles are strongly contracted, so that corners of the mouth curve upward and the outer corners of the eyes wrinkle into crow's feet. Pay attention to the eyes: In a genuine smile, they tend to be crinkled more tightly.
The face is more expressive than any other part of the body because all facial muscles are controlled by visceral nerves, which are connected to emotions. Some people say they can see their dog or cat smile, but these animals have little facial flexibility compared with our evolutionary kin the primates, who developed this ability in order to communicate. Reptiles, in comparison, can't move their features at all, save to open their mouths.
Love sign #9: A higher-pitched and softer voice than usual
Notice how a parent talks to a child: The voice takes on a slightly higher, warmer tone -- not loud, no edge to it. This same love-infused relationship is the model for the tone that people in love use. It's a softer pitch than usual. "It's innately friendly," Given says, "and suggests a nonaggressive, nonhostile pose."
That doesn't mean that if your crush isn't speaking to you in baby talk or falsetto, he or she doesn't love you. The tone of a voice in love isn't that exaggerated. It's simply more loving.
The tone of voice is so important -- and so revealing -- because we "hear" the way words are delivered separately from how we process the words themselves. Tone of voice carries both emotion (love, hate, anger) and social information (sarcasm, superiority).
In fact, humans are so good at reading voices that you should probably trust what you hear in the tone more than the words themselves -- especially when that "I love you" rolls off the tongue of the object of your affection. Comstock says, "When there's a discrepancy between the words and the tone" -- whether it's detached, monotonal, defensive, sarcastic -- "people believe the nonverbal."
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